Chatter: Partnership Fail

It hasn’t been long since I shared my thoughts on sponsorships/affiliate/whatever relationships between content creators and brands. I wanted to expand my thoughts on that based on a recent experience I had.

Something that runs rampant is brands sending form-letter outreach to content creators without making any effort to personalize the contact attempt. Just like you should tailor your resume to the job you’re applying for if you’re trying to go directly to a company, brands shouldn’t have a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to working with bloggers and vloggers. Hell, if you have a template, that’s fine – just take two extra minutes to edit and add their name and something that shows you actually spent a few minutes checking out their site. For example, change,

Hey dear/Hey there/Hi <URL>,


Hi <name of blog or writer>,

That little extra effort goes a long way in showing that Brand X knows who you are, and specifically wishes to collaborate with you and your brand – and that they aren’t just clumsily grasping for advertising.

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