TonyMoly is a South Korean cosmetics company that makes some unbearably adorable stuff. Case and point? The most adorable lip gloss you’ve ever seen:
TonyMoly Petite Bunny Gloss Bar in Juicy Peach
I actually own this one. It smells nice and imparts a nice color…and it is adorable. The TonyMoly line includes all sorts of beauty products (usually in some sort of adorable packaging or form) including both skincare and cosmetics. Usually, if you wanted their products you could either purchase from a beauty importing company’s website or from third-party Amazon sellers. Fortunately, going the latter route isn’t typically too bad as long as you research the seller and make sure they have good feedback.
Occasionally, I browse Sephora even when I am not planning a purchase. Yesterday, while browsing New Arrivals, I stumbled across this.

This is the TonyMoly Bbo Bbo Lip Balm. I honestly have no idea what the Bbo Bbo stands for, if it is supposed to be a play on BB or what (Update: Reader Insa says that bbo bbo means kiss! Thanks, Insa!). Housed in this silly pout-shaped pot (but not a heart-shaped box), you would apply this balm with a lip brush or fingertip. They appear to be colorless and currently come in two flavors: honey and blueberry. So far, the few reviews received by the balms have been very positive. Priced at $9 they are inexpensive by Sephora standards and are comparable to the price you pay for imported products when you consider shipping.
AND these little guys aren’t online only! You could actually find them near you.
I wonder if this is a limited time partnership, or if we will see more TonyMoly products at Sephora in the future? (Dear Sephora: Please pick up the Bunny Gloss line!) Will we see more Korean brands (such as Etude House)? I look forward to seeing what else comes from Sephora in this regard.
Have you tried any foreign products? Would you like to see them more accessible stateside?