February 2018 Favorites

February 2018 FavoritesFebruary 2018 Favorites
1. Psssst, $7 / 2. Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day Countertop Spray, $4 / 3. Wool Dryer Balls, $10 /
4. Dryel At-Home Dry Cleaning Kit, $10 / 5. MetroVac DataVac Duster Blower, $60

February was not only a short month, but a busy one. I spent most of my time treading water and staying afloat; as a result, I didn’t spend much time rediscovering my collection or being surprised by anything. When I sat down to ponder it from a beauty perspective, I nearly re-wrote my January 2018 Favorites. So, all that said, my February 2018 Favorites are more lifestyle than beauty; I hope you’ll forgive the departure from being on-topic.


When I use dry shampoo before bed, I don’t want to use a fragranced variety for several reasons. An old favorite brand, Psssst!, makes an unscented variety that fits the bill perfectly.

Deep Breaths

What good is a clean home if you either a) can’t breathe in it or are b) damaging your lungs in achieving it? Long before reports that using heavy cleaning sprays contributed to decreased lung function and COPD, I’ve been trying to use less-severe cleaning products in my home.

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