Everyone dwells on their flaws. For every bit of a(n over)confident jerk I am, there were two particular things that bugged me:
- A couple moles (that I’ve had removed)
- and my teeth.
I’m blessed with what I humorously self-deprecatingly lovingly refer to as a creatively arranged smile. It’s a crowding thing; common, but nevertheless annoying. I did not see an orthodontist as a kid or teen, so it went untreated.
The Bad News
Frankly, failing to see an ortho in my youth a good thing because I had some dental health issues in the past few years. Those issues may have rendered the investment of time, money, and discomfort not as useful as it ought to have been. A year after I started this blog, I got some bad news from my new dentist – the news that made me realize that I was GLAD I didn’t receive orthodontic treatment as a kid. I needed:
- A root canal (eek!) and crown
- Three extractions of broken (weak, crappy) molars
- and four fillings