It took me writing this post to realize that I didn’t publish any manicure details in December. After my 11/26 post with Icelanded a Bottle of OPI in the Infinite Shine formula (haaate), the following week I did a nice China Glaze Gelaze manicure in Swing Baby. It’s a nice, champagne-y gold that I’ve featured on Favorites posts before. Unfortunately, I took no pictures because I am an ass…and because I was gearing up for a business trip that week.
manicure monday
Manicure Monday – 11/26 – OPI Infinite Shine Icelanded a Bottle of OPI
Last week, I took the week off. Between life and the holiday, the need for a break snuck up on me. If you’re in the US, I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. If you aren’t in the US, I hope your Thursday was pretty badass, too.
Update from my Previous Manicure
Gelaze Recycle wore like a champ. Not a chip or flaw anywhere, didn’t lift. In fact, I had to fight it off my nails yesterday morning in order to do this set. It wore like steel (that wasn’t a grey joke, but do what you want) and I was thrilled; it needed to be refreshed, though, simply due to the amount of outgrowth.
So, yeah, that’s right – I got THREE WEEKS of wear out of that set. Brings a tear to my eye!