E-Files Do Not Damage Your Nails

E-Files Do Not Damage Your Nails

Last week, I wrote about the myth that gel damages your nails (it doesn’t). In most cases that people experience nail deterioration after gel polish or enhancements, it’s due to incorrect use of an electronic file (or, e-file for short).

–but it’s a myth, too. E-files do not damage your nails. The key words in the previous paragraph are incorrect use.

E-Files AREN’T Bad, Either!

You’ll see people online harping about, “When I go to the salon, I tell them they aren’t using, ‘that drill,’ on me!”

Proper usage of an e-file is safe! It is safe and effective, that is, provided the right combination of bits and speed are used for the task at hand: prepping the nail plate calls for a very different combination of factors than prepping an enhancement for a fill. Unfortunately, though, in many salons, a one-size-fits-all approach is used – and that is not appropriate.

It is also a great way to accelerate the service, Hand filing takes a long time. It is gentler, but definitely less efficient.

Why Service Speed Matters

A faster service benefits you, the client, because it gets you out of the salon faster. Even if you like the experience of being in the salon, your time is valuable!

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SO COOL: Dieux Forever Eye Mask

The sheet mask trend has completely missed me. What value is having a sheet on my face? It seems wasteful; I’d rather just slather the product on. But although the sheet mask trend isn’t for me, the little swoop eye masks are not only relevant to my interests but a fairly important part of not looking quite so … zombified. So learning about the Dieux Forever Eye Mask blew my mind.

Over the years, I’ve been working towards a more mindful approach to my consumption and use of disposables. I no longer use makeup wipes, have drastically reduced my use of disposable cotton, and done several other things to lower my beauty waste. Under-eye masks, however, didn’t have a good swap or alternative, though – until now.

The Dieux Forever Eye Mask

What makes these eye masks so great?

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Gel Does Not Damage Your Nails

throwback picture from this throwback post!

Everyone, breathe: gel does not damage your nails! After seeing one too many complaints about how, “gel damages your nails,” and all of these, “gel rescue,” type nail recovery products, I’m losing my mind.

Root Cause

If you’ve experienced nail damage after having gel nails, I’m not gaslighting you. Many people DO experience damage after nail enhancement services. My goal isn’t to make you feel crazy! You aren’t.

My goal is, however, to correct a common misconception and improve understanding of nail enhancement processes. Gel does not damage your nails.

If you’ve experienced weak, thin, peeling, or sensitive nails after removing gel, you aren’t alone. The issue isn’t the gel – the issue is how the nails were prepped.

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Beauty Burnout

Beauty Burnout

I started writing this four times. That isn’t common; usually I have an immediate sense of what to say, but in this case only an essence. I just saw an ad for the Urban Decay Wild West palette and rolled my eyes. Just re-release Naked already, damn it. We don’t need another inferior clone with a couple exciting colors with edgy names (though Tex is a gorgeous emerald green).

/curmudgeon off

I’ve been on a not-terribly-defined low buy for a while. Part of me not spending or buying means not shopping. Fortunately, between a combination if finding my stride and general beauty burnout, I don’t shop or consume nearly as much content about the beauty industry as I did when I started this blog.

Beauty Burnout

Beauty burnout is a thing. We’re seeing it everywhere in brands, products, retailers, content creators, friends, colleagues. The pandemic is a contributor, but not the sole instigator.

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PSA: Drink More Water!

Drink more water

Do you drink enough water? I can relate – I don’t. After my doctor told me that I need to scale back my caffeine intake last April (FML), I’ve been trying. While I’ve succeeded in managing my caffeine intake, I am trying to balance things out by being better about drinking water.

Not unlike using a fountain to entice cats to drink, tricking myself to drink more water is a good strategy.

For example, before I drink coffee in the morning, I try to down 16 fl oz of water first. I don’t always succeed, but it sets me up on a good note before I start screwing myself over with diuretic coffee.

I managed to get myself to actually crave water. Just water. (I still adore exciting water. I just have to marvel at actually wanting still water; I thought it was an impossibility for me.)

Why Drink More Water?

You’ll probably feel better if you drink more water – in the same way that regular exercise, once you get past the discomfort of starting anew, will. This and last winter have really started to make me notice the waning resilience of my skin.

I simply don’t retain hydration like I did:

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Ways to Lower Your Beauty Waste

ways to lower your beauty waste

Ever wonder about how to lower your beauty waste or lower your beauty consumption? Over the years, I’ve challenged myself over the years to make small, practical changes in my habits and consumption. Beauty and personal care aren’t exempted from this endeavor.

Here to Inspire, NOT Preach

I am not and do not aim to be zero waste. I’m also not here to preach at you from astride a white horse. My time is valuable to me, and I am willing to make certain concessions in the name of convenience to preserve some of it. I think there’s a balance to strike – plastic isn’t evil, just like chemicals aren’t evil, but we should produce and consume (let alone recycle or dispose of) far more thoughtfully (read: less) than the average person is today.

If you’re able or willing to go harder than me? That’s great! If you haven’t made changes along these lines but want to, that’s great too – and maybe I can give you some ideas to lower your beauty waste that don’t feel like such a sacrifice that you can’t achieve them. After all, goals that aren’t achievable aren’t smart.

Just because you aren’t going full-tilt doesn’t mean what you CAN do doesn’t make a difference.

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