Apagard Premio Nanohydroxyapatite Toothpaste

I do this funny thing when I’m composing content for this blog. I’ll start writing something like a compilation post and then I realize I’ve written three paragraphs about one thing. Oop, that needs its own post. So here we are because last week, I talked about some things I prioritize spending on (in contrast … Read more

Manicure Monday – 8/12/2019 – Revel Nail Aurora + Bubbly & Catch-Up

Yeah, wow, hi. We’ll get into the hiatus in a sec, but first: I tried an acrylic dip nail system! I suck at it but, third application in, am getting better. I’ve been waffling on waiting to talk about it until I am good at it for Insta-worthy pics but…since when do I care about … Read more

Chatter: My Makeup Uniform – Winter 2019

For a long while, I was just throwing concealer on my eyelids, mascara on my lashes, and calling it a day most days. Then, I decided I wanted to try to Project Pan the contents of my Z-Palette. Amusingly, I am not making a ton of progress wearing the contents down. In the process, though, … Read more

Invisaign Update: Refinement Round Three

In September, I shared that I was ending my first round of refinement of my Invisalign Treatment. When I went back, I was given fourteen more trays to tweak and tune. Halfway through, right around Thanksgiving, I stopped in for a mid-refinement check, some more IPR, and was sent on my way. Ending Refinement Round … Read more

Discuss: Beauty Budgets

Beauty Budgets Vladimir Tarasov / Via Getty Images This legacy post has been given a facelift and an update, but content/opinions are the same. Enjoy! I came across this Wall Street Journal article on the the high price of beauty. In the article (here), the annual beauty budgets of four successful women are discussed. Expectations I’m not … Read more

Revised Opinion: Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs

Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs, $12 Several years ago, I was sent Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs to try courtesy Influenster. I hated it. Fast forward to now, I have entirely reversed my stance. *record screech* Yeah. That’s right. I completely reversed my opinion. I love this stuff, now…with the right shade and some usage modifications, that is. … Read more