Maybelline Creamy Matte Daringly Nude

Two weeks ago, I shared a review and some swatches of Maybelline Creamy Matte Lipstick in Divine Wine. I actually purchased Daringly Nude, another non-corpsifying (on me, at least) nude lipstick. I had never really thought of a matte nude lip but when I went to make my purchase they were out of the other shade I wanted, so I went with this instead – I figured Daringly Nude would be, “safe,” as lip colors go.

Maybelline Creamy Matte Lipstick in Daringly Nude - Case

I actually swatched this one on my lips as soon as I left the store. It flattered, so I was happy. It felt good on my lips, didn’t dry them out, and it lasted decently. The consistency of Daringly Nude feels identical to that of Divine Wine, though Daringly Nude appears more matte on the lips than Divine Wine. I also noticed that it settled into my lip lines a little bit more – but this may not have happened if I had super moisturized lips.

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Maybelline Creamy Matte Lipstick – Divine Wine

Lipsticks are one of those fun items that you don’t need a ton of time to test in order to fully evaluate. Despite the fact that I don’t wear them often (they’re a little high-maintenance for my day-to-day tastes), I love the look of a matte lip. When I heard that Maybelline added this new Creamy Matte Lipstick formula to their Color Sensational line, I was damn excited. I actually saw them on YouTube first before seeing them in a store, on a blog, etc – Nicole Guerrero was wearing Touch of Spice in a recent video and I was like, “Yep. I need dis.” I looked around and could find no information online, not even on Maybelline’s site.

A few days later, I saw other YouTubers sporting shades from the Color Sensational Creamy Matte Lipstick line and the message was clear, “go to Target.” Next time I was there, armed with a new coupons (no shame in trying something new with one, after all), I went to get Touch of Spice and Divine Wine. They were out of Touch of Spice, but I did get Divine Wine to share with you.

Maybelline Creamy Matte Lipstick - Divine Wine

The caps on the Creamy Matte Lipstick shades are identical: frosted for a matte look, but this otherwise looks like many of the other Color Sensational lipsticks from the outside.

Maybelline Creamy Matte Lipstick - Divine Wine Case

So dark! The flash makes this look not quite as dark as it is. It isn’t like… Nyx Soft Matte Lip Cream in Transylvania or Nars Train Bleu dark, but it is a pretty deep wine red.

Maybelline Creamy Matte Lipstick - Divine Wine - Open

Swatched. For reference on how dark it is, Maybelline Creamy Matte Lipstick this is sitting next to a well-known shade, Stila Stay All Day Liquid Lipstick in Beso. Should have let Beso dry, but I was rushing.

Maybelline Creamy Matte Lipstick - Divine Wine Swatch (Stila Beso above for comparison)

Though I will sometimes wear a bold red lip, I pretty much never wear a dark lip. In fact, I can remember the last time I did, not counting Halloween scenarios – my mom had a dark burgundy(ish)? Clinique lipstick ages and aaaages ago. I pilfered it. I was not even a teenager yet. That was all.
I am not vampy! I like sheer washes color on my lips and clean eyeliner. I am out of my comfort zone! Applying it, eeek, it is so dark. Just applied:

Maybelline Creamy Matte Lipstick - Divine Wine, Applied

And I love it! Again, slightly ligther in the flash, but trust that this is very fall appropriate.

Despite being called, “Creamy Matte Lipstick,” this is definitely more of a satin-matte finish; the lighter shades are slightly more matte. I think this finish is flattering with this color, personally, but if it want it so-matte-its-flat, this may not be the formula/color for you. It doesn’t feel dry going on – some matte lipsticks can skip or tug on your lips during application, leading to mistakes or uneven-application, nearly necessitating use of a lip brush. Not these! They glide on pretty easily and have great color payoff in one pass. They aren’t as unforgiving as a classic matte lipstick (I’m looking at you, MAC Retro Matte formula – I’ve seen what you’ve done to lips!) but I chose to exfoliate and treat prior just in case. So far, I haven’t noticed any feathering or sass from this lipcolor, but I would probably use a liner (if I had an appropriate color) with this one just in case.

I noticed, also, during application and wear, that the scent of the Creamy Matte Lipsticks remind me of the scent of the Nyx Soft Matte Lip Creams. I’m sure they share some common ingredients, though I’m not sure what they are. I would wager that it is whatever allows them to apply easily and remain matte. I love my Nyx Soft Matte Lip creams, but I already have a strong preference for this type of lipcolor to be in a lipstick form rather than a tube with a doe-foot applicator.

I got about about 3.5 hours of wear before needing to reapply, but that includes drinking two glasses of tea and eating dinner. I heard and confirmed that it wasn’t a punk about reapplying, but even the Nyx Soft Matte Lip Creams can be punks when it comes to reapplication. To be fair, I think expecting a lipstick to last through eating and drinking is entirely unrealistic – and this one does not claim to be long-wearing, so I am happy.

It is so damn new that even now, almost a week after I’ve purchased them, I cannot find them online anywhere. Not Amazon, not Target, not – but I will be sure to update you with a link as soon as I find one. In fact, I have another shade to share with you at some point – I’ll hold off until I can get a dang link for you.

Are you into matte hues? Seasonally-appropriate ones? Will you try one of the new Maybelline Creamy Matte Lipsticks, or stick with something more familiar like, say, a Nyx Soft Matte Lip Cream?

TonyMoly Beauty at Sephora

TonyMoly is a South Korean cosmetics company that makes some unbearably adorable stuff. Case and point? The most adorable lip gloss you’ve ever seen:

TonyMoly Petite Bunny Gloss BarTonyMoly Petite Bunny Gloss Bar in Juicy Peach

I actually own this one. It smells nice and imparts a nice color…and it is adorable. The TonyMoly line includes all sorts of beauty products (usually in some sort of adorable packaging or form) including both skincare and cosmetics. Usually, if you wanted their products you could either purchase from a beauty importing company’s website or from third-party Amazon sellers. Fortunately, going the latter route isn’t typically too bad as long as you research the seller and make sure they have good feedback.

Occasionally, I browse Sephora even when I am not planning a purchase. Yesterday, while browsing New Arrivals, I stumbled across this.


TonyMoly Bbo Bbo Lip Balm from Sephora

This is the TonyMoly Bbo Bbo Lip Balm. I honestly have no idea what the Bbo Bbo stands for, if it is supposed to be a play on BB or what (Update: Reader Insa says that bbo bbo means kiss! Thanks, Insa!). Housed in this silly pout-shaped pot (but not a heart-shaped box), you would apply this balm with a lip brush or fingertip. They appear to be colorless and currently come in two flavors: honey and blueberry. So far, the few reviews received by the balms have been very positive. Priced at $9 they are inexpensive by Sephora standards and are comparable to the price you pay for imported products when you consider shipping.

AND these little guys aren’t online only! You could actually find them near you.

I wonder if this is a limited time partnership, or if we will see more TonyMoly products at Sephora in the future? (Dear Sephora: Please pick up the Bunny Gloss line!) Will we see more Korean brands (such as Etude House)? I look forward to seeing what else comes from Sephora in this regard.

Have you tried any foreign products? Would you like to see them more accessible stateside?

Naked2 Basics from Urban Decay

Urban Decay Naked2 Basics comes out August 19!Naked2 Basics from Urban Decay

I’ve been wondering if they were going to pull this for a long time, and they have – Urban Decay is coming out with a second, “basics,” palette – Naked2 Basics!

Because they like to repeat themselves (consistency isn’t a bad thing) Naked and Naked Basics were “warm,” neutral palettes, so Naked2 and the newly-minted Naked2 Basics are, “cool.” Rather than being all-matte, one shade (Skimp) features a slight satin finish, allegedly to help with highlighting.

Although I had zero interest in getting Naked Basics (despite my love of warm neutrals), I am actually somewhat interested in Naked2 basics – I don’t have as many cooler neutrals, and I can actually do more with a taupe-neutral than I can a tan one…on my skin, anyway. I also love that the palette doesn’t come with yet another freaking black. I have enough black eyeshadow to last ten years. Dark brown, however, I don’t have many of, and could use the heck out of.

I won’t be buying as soon as it drops, but it is definitely on my wishlist – hopefully I will obtain it by the holidays. I wonder if they will come out with a rose-hued matte, Naked3 Basics..?

How about you? Are you another Urban Decay / Naked loyalist, eager to leap on the opportunity? Are you a neutral-hoarder? (It’s okay, this is a safe place.) Or are you over the neutrals? If so, what do you want instead?

Naked2 Basics will be available directly from starting August 19 (just under a week!) for $29.

Worth it? Benefit they’re Real Push-Up Liner

The internet went a-buzz when Benefit Cosmetics started leaking information about their they’re Real Push-Up Liner. They did a couple advanced sales between their site, Sephora, and Ulta and then everything was kept mum until its official release on June 27.

I am already a gel liner user – I find using an angled-bristle brush with gel gives me the most control and best results. I also like gel because it is pretty smudge-proof and long lasting. As I’m sure you can imagine, I was intrigued when I heard about Benefit’s they’re Real Push-Up liner. For $24, however, I decided that I would pass for the time being; although I like to try new things, I was already happy with my liner and didn’t want to drop that kind of money on a single eyeliner.

I actually made a Sephora order for other things on June 27 and to my delight found that one of the samples they were offering (via promo code) was a Benefit they’re Real Push-Up Liner deluxe mini. Of course I got it, we need to try it for science after all, especially considering all these top bloggers/vloggers got it early and are losing their minds over it. It is really innovative and clever, but it is that good?

Always a skeptic.

Because it arrived when it did, I didn’t have much time to fuss with it. I took a few photos of the product itself, but didn’t bother trying to apply it. I did poke at the silicone tip to get an idea for just how flexible it is – too much flexibility could cause me to make a ridiculous mess on my lids, so I wanted to know what to expect. On Wednesday I played with it, and Thursday I actually used it for the day!

I found that you have to turn-click the product’s base several times before product comes to the tip. It is important to do this slowly, especially for your first use. You don’t want too much product on the silicone, “AccuFlex,” tip, or else you’ll end up making a mess when you apply (unless you wipe if off first, but that’s wasteful – and I don’t know about you, but I’m not trying to waste any of a $24 product). So I clicked it up until it was about flush with the silicone AccuFlex tip – it protruded ever-so-slightly, but I think even a millimeter would be too generous an estimate of how far. You may not get as lucky with your and may have to tap or wipe yours even.

Here’s how it looked when I applied:

Benefit they're Real Push-Up Liner - 7AM

Yes, I realize my head is tilted, sorry. You can at least see the left wing well!

I had the best luck with this, which seems to be what Benefit recommends for they’re Real Push-Up Liner – and it is about the same method I use for regular lining:

  1. Twist product up (we’ve covered this).
  2. Press the tip along your lash-line three times, stamping the product at the beginning, middle, and end of your line.
  3. Connect the stamps.
  4. (Optional) Create a wing by placing the shorter side of the AccuFlex tip closest to your lower lashline and angle the longer edge outward as if you are ‘continuing’ or following the (imaginary) line of your lower lashline. Stamp again and pull inward to the outer corner of your eye.
  5. (Optional, required if you do step four so you don’t look foolish), connect the upper, outer part of the wing with the rest of your liner by sweeping the AccuFlex tip over towards it.

Stamping is super easy with they’re Real Push-Up Liner, and just like with gel and a brush, it is way easier to connect a series of three shorter points than it is to completely free-hand it. There’s less room for error, this way; these innovative silicone tip and these instructions really make this aspect of application of this matte gel liner very user friendly.

Here are a photo of the liner, eye nearly closed:

Benefit they're Real Push-Up Liner - 7AM, another angle


That’s about where the good things about this product end, unfortunately.

Application is not like butter. I found the formula of the gel to be rather dry and to skip and tug a bit, so I would have to pull it away and twist-click more product up, risking blobs near my lash-line. This might not be an issue if you like a thicker line, but for day-to-day, that isn’t for me. I am not a raccoon, after all. It took some work and going back over it several times to even out sparse areas as a result of the skipping – I figured this was preferable to risking smeared blobs, as I had heard it dries quickly. I found that much was true, and it actually made it a little difficult to even out the line.

Once I was satisfied with how it looked (finished at 7 AM, wings and all, I set about my day. I work in a reasonably low-humidity office and do not rub my eyes throughout the day (thanks glasses!). Around 11:30 AM, however, I noticed a black speck on my glasses.


Part of my left eye’s wing had flaked and literally just fell off. What?! Especially since there’s all this hype about how it’s soooo good, so long lasting, not flaky, amazing, perfect, etc. I was right to be skeptical – I’ve never had eyeliner just decide to spontaneously disconnect itself from my eye. Here’s a picture, because it definitely happened. Oh hey, random gap:

Benefit they're Real Push-Up Liner flaked4.5 hours into wearing Benefit they’re Real Push-Up Liner a noticeable section flaked off

At this point, I was not impressed and frankly, kind of annoyed. I touched it up right away, and went back to this:

Benefit they're Real Push-Up Liner post-flake touch up

Another big thing about this product is that purportedly, its staying power is so dang good that you just have to buy their special cleanser to remove it easily. Your regular makeup remover simply won’t do it quickly and gently, they say! I didn’t definitely didn’t believe this, based on the flaking I experienced. That night, I went to remove my makeup and lo and behold – they’re Real Push-Up Liner came off even easier than my other gel liners with a Ponds wipe. I didn’t need to use three of them, I didn’t need to tug or scrub. Don’t waste your money on the cleanser.

Between the price, the skipping application, random flaking, and lack of longevity-as-promised, Benefit they’re Real Push-Up Liner is just not worth it – not in its current form, anyway. I love the innovative applicator; I think it is really cool to bring engineering into makeup to improve our experiences with products…but the formula of the liner itself is lackluster at best. My Maybelline Gel Liner kicks its arse, and I will continue faithfully using it instead. Hopefully Benefit will improve the formula of the gel that makes up they’re Real Push-Up Liner (research shows that I am not the only person with these complaints) because the applicator (AccuFlex Tip) is pretty neat…which is amusing, because my prediction was that I would love the formula, but find the silicone tip weird. If it cost about $10 less than it does, I might be a little more willing to work with it.

Glambot Experience and Haul – Part Three


I discovered that one lipsticks I purchased and that is shared in this series, MAC Cosmo, had gone bad after detecting a foul crayon-like smell. I checked with Glambot to see if they check the batch numbers of products they put up for sale to ensure they aren’t selling extraordinarily old products…they don’t, the lipstick I received was over seven years old.


Disclaimer: The following post was sponsored by Glambot ( I was not paid to write, but let it be known that I did receive discounted product for consideration. My content, thoughts, and words are my own. I would not have accepted a discount if I wouldn’t have written about my experience with them anyway. You can visit my Legal page for more detail.

Welcome back to Part Three of my Glambot Experience series! Check out:
Part One
Part Two

On Wednesday, I left off having removed the shadows and pigment from their packaging. Next up is blush. I had been wanting Fleur Power for a while after seeing a Redditor on /r/MakeupAddiction use it, so I was really excited. Up close:
glambot13MAC Fleur Power, opened. There is a small foam round protecting the product with another vellum Glambot paper on top. They come right out.


It is difficult to tell here, but the product is scarcely used. Swatched-only to three uses at absolute most. The outer packaging, though it was also hard to tell, looks as if it sat amongst a well-used makeup collection (though it is by no means in bad shape – but you know how you sit a shiny plastic thing around things you use and grab often? The plastic will lose its luster. No big deal, no bothers given by me). glambot15

Lipsticks! I’m not sure if the, “GB,” logo on the stickers is heat sensitive, but they looked a bit more vibrant before I grabbed them. No big deal though, you can still (sort of) see them.glambot06

MAC Syrup annnnd…glambot_macsyrup

MAC Cosmo! They both definitely have the right weight for MAC lipsticks.glambot_maccosmo

Caps off. These products were sterilized before being shipped, but you can do it again yourself if you’re concerned. As you can see, Syrup has only a little left, but Cosmo is almost full (YAY!) – just for giggles, I took my existing MAC lipstick (Brave, purchased from a MAC counter) and compared the packaging, logos, bottom sticker, etc – they’re legit!glambot16

So that’s it for the haul from and my overall verdict is that they’re worth a shot, especially with promos like 10% off (click here to get that discount!). Understandably, they aren’t for everyone (not everyone is comfortable with pre-owned, sterilized cosmetics – not unreasonable), but they’re definitely a great way to try something out without paying full price for it and possibly not liking it. There are certain things that I would not, under any circumstances, buy pre-owned – false lashes, lipgloss whose applicator goes inside the product, mascara (and I do not believe they sell any of these in used condition) – as I am not convinced that these can be sterilized effectively, and I lack the equipment to verify otherwise.

The rest of my thoughts:

  • The site is reasonably responsive, but not without improvement opportunities.
    • Personally, I would really love if they had an option to display more than twelve items per page; I am not a fan of having to go through, for example 145 pages of product. If they introduced a 48-items-per-page option, for example, that would knock that 145 pages of MAC products down to 37 – this would make browsing and shopping more efficient, and would be even better with 60/72/96-items-per-page options.
    • I also wish unavailable items did not show up in searches or category listings.
    • Additionally, although you can filter by brand once you’re in a specific category, but it would be fantastic if there were a straightforward way to shop by brand. You can search for a brand and find items that way, it would be nice if the top bar had a, “Brand,” subsection that you could mouse over and click, “Tarte,” “Urban Decay,” etc.
      • Taking this a step further, the brand filters on the left side of the site once you’re in a product category (eyes, face, etc) has a couple duplicates; NARS and MAC appear twice each and have different products. This is because their filter is case sensitive so, “MAC,” and, “MAc,” return different things, as do, “NARS,” and, “nars.”
    • Another thing worth noting is that Glambot uses URLs for their discounts rather than promo codes you enter at the end – you can get 10% off at by clicking here.
  • Glambot has an FAQ, as well as a section of pages detailing what can be sold, how to estimate your earnings, and how to package your potential items-for-sale to them. I do not have anything I am interested in selling at this time, so I have not experienced this process. This route is nice if you aren’t sure how to sterilize or don’t want to/cannot take the time to do so. Based on their earnings chart, you may make more money selling that only-swatched lipstick that doesn’t flatter you to a friend – but that does not mean Glambot is trying to cheap out on you. Remember that it is providing a service – they pay for the shipping from you-to-them (yes!), they verifiy its authenticity, and they sterilize the product. When you take those things into account, it isn’t a bad deal.
  • Standard shipping was quick, but I did not receive a shipment/tracking notice – I’m not sure if that was just my case or if that is the norm, but keep that in mind. Standard shipping, at this time, is USPS Priority.
  • They package their items really well. The time they take and materials they invest in to do so speak to their commitment to delivering quality products. I think so, anwyay.
  • The contents of my order were accurately described, I am satisfied with what I received. I don’t need to wax poetic on this, it is pretty much what the bulk of the series and photos discussed.

In all, I would do business with them again. I can’t say they will always be the first place I hit when I am looking for a product because my preference is for new items. That said, if the new version of that product is more than I want to spend OR I cannot find that product (sold out, limited edition, discontinued, etc) I will make a beeline for If I want a MAC blush or eyeshadow refill pan, though, I’m checking to see if Glambot has it first.