Discontinued Products I Miss

This legacy post has been given a facelift. Content has been edited for clarity and flow, but opinions are the same. Additional (new) commentary is in line.

We’ve all had it happen – find an item we love, use it (if consumable) or wear it out (if not), go to restock or replace only to be met with sadness.

Here’s a list of discontinued products I miss!

Discontinued Products - Ponds Luminous Finish BB+Ponds Luminous Finish BB+

I feel like I just reviewed this – I haven’t finished my tube, but now I’m in ration-mode because they already discontinued it. They still have it on Amazon through third-party merchants, but I’m still debating on it.

Discontinued Products - Maybelline Wet-Shine Diamonds Rhinestone Pink

Maybelline Wet Shine Diamonds – Pink Rhinestone

An ooooldie, but I long for it on the regular. It’s a shimmery light pink that is perfect. The formula was awesome and it was pretty and I went through THREE whole bottles of it. Three. Even though I’m a gel fanatic now, I would gleefully purchase this if they re-released it. Meanwhile, I’ve been unsuccessfully hunting for a dupe. 2018 Update: I still pine for this polish. It has now been well over a decade after I’ve worn it and it tugs at my damn heartstrings because it. was. perfect!

More after the jump…

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Contouring: An Observation

This is a legacy post that has been given a facelift! Content has been edited for clarity and readability, but opinions are the same. Recent additions are noted in-line. Enjoy!

If I had to name a single beauty trend for 2015, I’d say it was contouring. (2018 Update: Agree with this assessment of the time. In 2018, people are still contouring a good bit, but it seems like the frothing-at-the-mouth quality has since transitioned to blinding, occasionally holo, highlight.)

Granted, people have been using darker-than-their-skin products to contour and enhance features – cheekbones, jaw lines, what-have-you for ages. I think the rise to prominence in the past few years is thanks to the artistry routinely done on a certain famous-for-nothing-really celebrity who I won’t bother naming (not Voldemort, I’ll say that). If you’ve seen her without her makeup, the difference is stark. So contouring has been trendy for a while, but the market for products intended for it exploded this year.

Most notable brands came out with something dedicated to it this year (unless they already had it). Cream sticks? Palettes? Special brushes? Name a brand and I can name you a product.

Here’s an observation about a lot of the products coming out, though, for you:

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COOLA Organic Suncare

This is a legacy post that has been given a facelift for clarity and readability. Opinions are the same; in fact, I laughed as I re-read it because I wouldn’t change a thing aside from adding headers. Enjoy!

Sometimes, I don’t even have to look for ridiculous marketing.
Sometimes, it walks right into my inbox.

Email from Ulta advertising some new, shiny products includes this:

COOLA Organic Setting SprayUlta e-mail ad for COOLA Organic Makeup Setting Spray

Oh, setting spray! Good. Even better, it has SPF. Wait. Organic? Organic setting spray?

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June 2018 Favorites

June 2018 FavoritesJune 2018 Favorites
MUFE Rouge Artist Natural N9, $11 / China Glaze Gelaze Diva Bride, $11 /
Hot Tools 1.25 Curling Iron, $40 / Polar Toasted Coconut, $1 / Kenra Dry Thickening Spray, $17

Frankly, it’s amazing that I was able to scrounge up the time to document my June 2018 Favorites in light of:

  • Looking for and dealing with pre-house-purchase stuff
  • Running an annual, weekend-long event mid-month (that destroys me)
  • Crazy work
  • Buying a house (!!!)

…so, I’m giving myself a participation trophy. Details on my June 2018 Favorites after the jump!

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Make Up For Ever Rouge Artist Natural

Make Up For Ever Rouge Artist Natural N9Make Up For Ever Rouge Artist Natural / N9 Copper Pink, $11

Have you ever come across an item and reacted, “I need ten of these?”

That’s how I feel about Make Up For Ever Rouge Artist Natural in N9, Copper Pink. A few years ago, Sephora offered a mini of it as their birthday perk and I initially dismissed it without trying it. Definitely a fan of MLBBs, I have no idea what I was thinking. Eventually, I got around to it and was nonplussed. For me, it’s the most accurate one yet! Naturally, though, it appears to be discontinued. FML.

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Products I Stopped Using (2018)

Over the years, as I’ve learned about my skin and honed my beauty preferences, I’ve tried many products. Some worked, some didn’t; some did at one point and then my needs/wants changed.

Face Scrubs

Ages ago, I used a certain walnut-shell-containing, apricot-scented facial exfoliant from a popular drugstore brand. I loved it! Bottom line, though, is those shell fragments can be sharp – and there are more effective ways to exfoliate. These days, my physical exfoliation comes from my Clarisonic and Silkin ReVit. Chemically, I use this AHA gel from Alpha Skin and the occasional BHA Stridex pad.

After a troublesome period with my skin, it is looking the best it has in quite a while save for some stubborn pores on my chin that, frankly, aren’t too visible anyway.


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