Worth it? Ecolips Lipscrub

Ecolips LipscrubEco Lips Lipscrub, Vanilla Bean, $3.97

It is plenty easy to exfoliate your lips. You can gently do so with the terrycloth of a towel or washcloth. Some people use their toothbrush (for me, this is too abrasive). You can make your own scrubs with sugar (I usually do). Sometimes, though, its nice to just grab a finished product and not think about getting out oils and sugars and mixing and cleaning up. I found myself in one of the beauty aisles in Wal-Mart and spotted a pot of Ecolips Lipscrub for under $5.

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August 2018 Favorites

  1. OPI Red Hot Rio, $8 / 2. Drunk Elephant Marula Oil, $80 /
    3. Perricone No Eyeshadow Eyeshadow, $35 / 4. Paul Mitchell Super Skinny Serum, $21

On top of coming in later than usual, my dang graphic had issues – thanks for bearing with me. I’ll update with a picture later. :) For details on my August 2018 Favorites, follow the jump!

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Bi-Weekly WTF :: Vol 16 – Naked Palette Discontinued

After eight years, Urban Decay is laying to rest the groundbreaking Naked Palette. That’s right, a favorite of mine, maybe yours, definitely thousands of others – is facing discontinuation.


The Naked Palette Announcement

Cheekily, Urban Decay even went as far as to make a funeral video for the iconic palette o’ neutrals.

Wende says, in essence, that it is time to move on. Naked was a huge milestone back in 2010, but it is time to retire it and move onto other things.

I’m desperately hoping they surprise and delight. One one hand, if the Aphrodisiac palette is any indication, we’ve got good things in store. On the other, Trendmood leaked a brand new Naked Cherry palette … that I can entirely do without.

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Revised Opinion: Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs

Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs, $12

Several years ago, I was sent Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs to try courtesy Influenster.

I hated it.

Fast forward to now, I have entirely reversed my stance. *record screech* Yeah. That’s right. I completely reversed my opinion. I love this stuff, now…with the right shade and some usage modifications, that is.

First Problem with my Previous Foray with Airbrush Legs

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July 2018 Favorites

July 2018 Favorites
July 2018 Favorites 1. Mountain Rose Herbs Argan Oil $27 / 2. Biore Aqua Rich Watery Essence SPF 50, $12 / 3. Clarins Glow Booster, $32 / 4. Perricone MD No Eyeshadow Eyeshadow, $35
Thanks for bearing with me for a late Favorites post! What a month. At the end of June, I became a homeowner. July was a whirlwind of work on the property which culminated in the move. August has been a mess of trying to solicit order from the chaos that is a sea of boxes. I didn’t have much time to spend on fun new beauty stuff, but because we didn’t take any time off (yes!) for this endeavor, I relied on a small cache of faithfuls to get me through. See what made the cut for my July 2018 Favorites after the jump.

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Stila Stay All Day Liner Review

This is a legacy post that has been given a facelift. Opinions are the same, content has been edited for readability, clarity, all that jazz. Additions are noted in line. Enjoy!

Stila Stay All Day Liquid Liner

I’m not sure what it is that sparks my desire to challenge, well, everything that I challenge. But like the lipstick, if I see something that claims to Stay All Day, I can’t help but want to prove whether or not it is true. You know, for science, and love and justice, whatever.

In the same holiday set that I received the aforementioned lipstick by the same name, I received a smaller-than-normal tube of Stila Stay All Day Liner. Though more favorable than my initial reaction to the name of the lipstick, I still couldn’t believe it without seeing it. Since receiving it, I have worn it with success but I never really documented how long it lasted – and, “more or less all day,” isn’t enough for me.

The Test

Yesterday, I slapped some on my face before work around 6:15AM (contrary to my programming, I am the early bird at work. 2018 Update: SO CUTE. My makeup is done by 5:45 these days.). This is what it looked like at 6:30AM:

Stila Stay All Day Liner - 6:30AM

Well of course it looks decent, freshly applied. Also, I am an airhead and hadn’t even slapped on mascara, yet.

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