TonyMoly Beauty at Sephora

TonyMoly is a South Korean cosmetics company that makes some unbearably adorable stuff. Case and point? The most adorable lip gloss you’ve ever seen:

TonyMoly Petite Bunny Gloss BarTonyMoly Petite Bunny Gloss Bar in Juicy Peach

I actually own this one. It smells nice and imparts a nice color…and it is adorable. The TonyMoly line includes all sorts of beauty products (usually in some sort of adorable packaging or form) including both skincare and cosmetics. Usually, if you wanted their products you could either purchase from a beauty importing company’s website or from third-party Amazon sellers. Fortunately, going the latter route isn’t typically too bad as long as you research the seller and make sure they have good feedback.

Occasionally, I browse Sephora even when I am not planning a purchase. Yesterday, while browsing New Arrivals, I stumbled across this.


TonyMoly Bbo Bbo Lip Balm from Sephora

This is the TonyMoly Bbo Bbo Lip Balm. I honestly have no idea what the Bbo Bbo stands for, if it is supposed to be a play on BB or what (Update: Reader Insa says that bbo bbo means kiss! Thanks, Insa!). Housed in this silly pout-shaped pot (but not a heart-shaped box), you would apply this balm with a lip brush or fingertip. They appear to be colorless and currently come in two flavors: honey and blueberry. So far, the few reviews received by the balms have been very positive. Priced at $9 they are inexpensive by Sephora standards and are comparable to the price you pay for imported products when you consider shipping.

AND these little guys aren’t online only! You could actually find them near you.

I wonder if this is a limited time partnership, or if we will see more TonyMoly products at Sephora in the future? (Dear Sephora: Please pick up the Bunny Gloss line!) Will we see more Korean brands (such as Etude House)? I look forward to seeing what else comes from Sephora in this regard.

Have you tried any foreign products? Would you like to see them more accessible stateside?

August 2014 Favorites

August 2014 Favorites August 2014 Favorites
1. KvD Autograph Eye Pencil, $10 / 2. Sephora Eyeshadow $3-9 / 3. Aztec Healing Clay Mask, $8
4. Goody Ouchless Ribbon Elastics, $4 / 5. Menda Twist-Lock Pump Bottle, $9

2014 is passing very quickly, but I think July and August went by the quickest of all for me because a lot of what was on my metaphorical plate was executed and came to pass. A little emo that summer is effectively over (and I only got to go swimming once) but I am so excited to get a break from that, and I hope to focus on the blog a bit more.

But enough about that, you came here to read about my August 2014 Favorites!

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Sephora Eyeshadow in Space Odyssey

When I was last in Sephora a while ago (springtime!), I picked up one of their shadow singles in No. 21, Space Odyssey. On clearance and never having tried a Sephora branded product before, I wasn’t expecting much. I haven’t been impressed by other, “house-brand,” shadows before, and even though I love Sephora, I was entirely expecting it to be just okay. (Spoilers: MY BAD.)

Sephora Eyeshadow in Space Odyssey - ClosedSephora eyeshadow in No. 21 Space Odyssey

I’ve had it for months now, and just picked it up to swatch it on Thursday night. For the love of CATS this shadow is pigmented. And awesome. And pigmented. And glittery. Take a look!

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Lazy Day Tag

It has been a busy week for me with other projects, so this was a perfect and timely post. I know that Lazy Day posts are more of a fashion and/or lifestyle blogger thing, but what the heck.  This would be a day I’m feeling lazy but have to go to work and be a presentable human being.

Lazy Day TagLazy Day Tag

It’s actually very easy for me to over-clean my face (once a day is good – twice a day freaks my skin out), so I’d start by splashing (carefully, like a civilized human being – not like the careless girls in the commercials) my face with cool water, then pat dry. Slap on moisturizer du jour. I use argan oil at night, but I am still on the hunt for a good daytime one (CeraVe is just too damn much).

Slap on some Maybelline Instant Age-Rewind Concealer to combat my dark circles and even out my eye area. The applicator is weird, but I blend it out with a (freshly washed) finger and woo! Done, easy. Already look way more awake.

Apply BareMinerals Flawless Definition Mascara – if we’re lucky and I have enough motivation, I’ll curl my lashes with my Sonia Kashuk Eyelash Curler (I am normally motivated enough to do this). Oooh.

If I need help looking like I’m, you know, of the living, I’ll apply some e.l.f Studio Blush in Tickled Pink. Most days, though, I don’t bother.

Lipstick? On a lazy day? Ahahaha. Yeah. Right. More like BonneBell Lip Smacker Dr Pepper. I don’t need to justify this.

Naked2 Basics from Urban Decay

Urban Decay Naked2 Basics comes out August 19!Naked2 Basics from Urban Decay

I’ve been wondering if they were going to pull this for a long time, and they have – Urban Decay is coming out with a second, “basics,” palette – Naked2 Basics!

Because they like to repeat themselves (consistency isn’t a bad thing) Naked and Naked Basics were “warm,” neutral palettes, so Naked2 and the newly-minted Naked2 Basics are, “cool.” Rather than being all-matte, one shade (Skimp) features a slight satin finish, allegedly to help with highlighting.

Although I had zero interest in getting Naked Basics (despite my love of warm neutrals), I am actually somewhat interested in Naked2 basics – I don’t have as many cooler neutrals, and I can actually do more with a taupe-neutral than I can a tan one…on my skin, anyway. I also love that the palette doesn’t come with yet another freaking black. I have enough black eyeshadow to last ten years. Dark brown, however, I don’t have many of, and could use the heck out of.

I won’t be buying as soon as it drops, but it is definitely on my wishlist – hopefully I will obtain it by the holidays. I wonder if they will come out with a rose-hued matte, Naked3 Basics..?

How about you? Are you another Urban Decay / Naked loyalist, eager to leap on the opportunity? Are you a neutral-hoarder? (It’s okay, this is a safe place.) Or are you over the neutrals? If so, what do you want instead?

Naked2 Basics will be available directly from starting August 19 (just under a week!) for $29.

Worth it? Mally Volumizing Mascara

Mally Volumizing Mascara
Mally Volumizing Mascara

On any given day, if I could only wear one type of cosmetic, it would be mascara.  A while back, I had gotten one of the gift bag things with an Ulta purchase that was full of all sorts of goodies. One such item was a full-sized Mally Volumizing Mascara. I hadn’t used any Mally products before (though I am interested in trying the Poreless Face Defender), so I went into this as a clean slate – no preexisting opinions or notions.

Here’s what Ulta’s site says about the Mally Volumizing Mascara I received:

This Volumizing Mascara has a unique formula that helps create the look of gorgeous, full, luxurious lashes. The combination of natural waxes and carefully chosen powders gives lashes an instant boost. The plush brush works with the powders in the formula to help thicken lashes without clumping, giving you gorgeous volume that lasts and lasts. Apply 2 coats to the top lashes and 1 to the bottom to get instant volume that lasts.

Okay, cool! I know Benefit Gimme Brow has fibers in it for a similar effect for your brows. That should work great.

Pristine, first-use mascara wands are a beautiful thing, right? I was excited to open it, but found that it didn’t have that pristine quality newly-opened tubes have. It had surely not been opened, but the formula looked very wet and clung to the wand. The bristles are the more traditional plush variety, which I find slightly more difficult to work with (less precise) than the shorter synthetic ones.

My first application was just okay. Initial consistency can be weird on plenty of products. I like to give mascara a few weeks before calling in a verdict, as you’ll find it sometimes differs between its initial use and several uses in. I often find I like my favorite ones best after about the 4th use.

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