The Sickness; Sephora and Ulta Haul Chatter

I seem to have a reasonably solid immune system and tend to only be taken down by the sick once or twice a year. Alas, this past week was one of those times. There’s been a lot of hot tea and chicken soup in this house in the last two weeks There wasn’t a whole lot (read: none) in the way of writing in the last week-and-a-half. The time I didn’t spend down and out (and re-watching Cowboy Bebop for the umpteenth time) I spent at work because I have a problem am a sucker didn’t want to leave things unfinished before my vacation (all are true).

Before The Sickness struck, though, I managed to get through my Ulta and Sephora purchases without going overboard.

Sephora Haul

Sephora still had Drunk Elephant’s Come C about Me set in stock, so I went for it. I haven’t gotten into any of the product yet; tragically the skin near my nose has been more reptilian than human since I received it. I’m excited to check out B-Hydra to see about the hype.

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Vera Mona Color Switch Dupe from J.Cat Beauty

Earlier this year, I shared a review of the $18 Vera Mona Color Switch dry brush cleaner. Although it did what it promised, I ultimately landed on the decision to not repurchase. For nearly $20 it just wasn’t worth it.

I do use it every day I wear eyeshadow (so, about 3x a week). But if I suddenly went without, I wouldn’t shell out for it. Then, I decided I’d buy an inexpensive bun ring and chop it up since it’d be cheaper. The tin is convenient but not convenient enough.

Now, I don’t have to – because there’s a drugstore-priced Color Switch Dupe.

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Revlon Highlighting Palette is a Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick Dupe

Doesn’t this

Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick Dupe - Revlon Highlighting Palette

look an awful lot like this?

Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick Dupe - Revlon Highlighting Palette

Cult of Shimmer

The Bobbi Brown Shimmer Bricks are something of a cult favorite. They’ve been out and loved for years. As someone who isn’t inclined to be drunk on highlighter, though, they do little for me in terms of the excitement department. On top of that, for $48 the cult can keep their kool-aid.

Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick Dupe – Revlon Highlighting Palette

I was in Target and happened to see (as one does, ahem) this five-shade Revlon highlighter palette on sale for under $5 (regularly $6) and couldn’t help but think, “That looks awfully like a shimmer brick.” Lo and behold, down to the colors, it’s mighty similar.

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Every Cosmetic I Love Gets Discontinued – Gimme Brow Recall

Gimme Brow Recall

This week, Benefit Cosmetics issued a recall of the best damn brow product I’ve ever used.

The Gimme Brow Recall Recall

Benefit states that they recalled the product after discovering (on their own) that it wasn’t up to par with their quality standards. Okay, good move, Good Guy Benefit.

Customers were instructed to return to their place of purchase for a refund. Benefit also clarified that the product is not problematic provided you are using as directed. Otherwise, if it comes into contact with the eye itself it could cause irritation.

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October 2017 Favorites

October 2017 Favorites

October 2017 Favorites
1. e.l.f. Beautifully Bare Blending Brush, $6 / 2. Drunk Elephant C-Firma Day Serum, $80
3. Pacifica Underarm Deodorant Wipes, $8 / 4. L’Oreal Telescopic Carbon Black, 8

Details on my October 2017 Favorites after the jump. Before that, though, can you believe it is November? The day after Halloween, all the stores around me were in full Christmas-preparedness-swing. It instantly annoyed me…and then I realized I have my holiday shopping all but complete already (only one person left). Hello Pot, I am Kettle. Just kidding – I get my holiday shopping done early so I don’t have to deal with the insanity from here through the end of the year!

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No Buy Pause

No Buy

Before long it will be time to give my No Buy pause and make some calculated beauty purchases. Soon, the infrequent (and therefore precious) sales shall be upon us. I am not unrealistic – I’ll want to shop.

No Buy Pause Plan

The Bottom Line

There will be more purchased as I hope to maintain my Sephora VIB and Ulta Platinum statuses for 2018. If I plan and am deliberate, I am confident I can meet those thresholds without buying random stuff I don’t feel strongly about.

Fortunately, I continue to be underwhelmed by holiday collections. so there’s little temptation there. The only thing I have been stricken by so far are Urban Decay’s new Heavy Metal glitter liner shades. I love the one I own, but definitely don’t need to add more to my collection – so it is easy to get over.