Worth it? Anastasia Dipbrow Pomade

This is a legacy post that has been given a facelift. Content is the same but may have been edited for clarity and readability. Any additional commentary is noted in line.

Anastasia Dipbrow Pomade hasn’t been new in a while, but I didn’t bite when it first came out. Although I love the idea of creme and gel products for eyeliner, I wanted to observe the market and opinions for taking the plunge. Despite not being the first product of its kind, it quickly achieved cult favorite status.

Anastasia Beverly Hills Dipbrow Pomade pot and boxAnastasia Dipbrow Pomade

I eventually decided I would go for it, but hadn’t gotten around to buying it. Then, I won a contest in a community I am a member of – and won Anastasia Dipbrow Pomade in Taupe. Taupe is the, “safe,” shade that, if you aren’t sure or can’t go get color-matched, you should pick (it will work on the widest variety of brows). That was six months ago (from the original 4/24/2015 posting).

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NYX Tinted Brow Mascara

This legacy post has received a facelift (or at least an invigorating facial massage). Content was tidied up; updates with new opinions/insights are in line with notation. April Favorites will run next week.

NYX Cosmetics has come out with a lot of new brow products – a gel, a mascara, a pomade (trying to take on Dipbrow?), new ultra-skinny pencils, etc. In spring of 2015, I picked up the NYX Tinted Brow Mascara in Brunette.

NYX Tinted Brow Mascara - Packaging


I was happy with Dipbrow (2018 Update – I did ultimately discontinue use of Dipbrow.) , but trying something new is fun every now and then. I picked this up when I returned the failed NYX Green CC Cream. While I was shopping, the first thing that struck me was the lack of variety in available shades. They have blonde (lighter, taupe-y), chocolate (warm brown), brunette (cool brown), espresso (dark brown), and black (brown-black)…that’s it!

Color Choice

I chose the (supposedly) cooler brown shade, Brunette. Although my hair is fairly warm, I don’t want my brows to be. Upon use, I found that despite perhaps being the cooler of the two, it is quite warm.

NYX Tinted Brow Mascara - Wand

Consistency, Hold, and Application

The consistency of NYX Tinted Brow Mascara is very lightweight, but wet; when you swipe it through your brows, you definitely feel the moisture content. Personally, I found that weird in a brow product and did not care for it. Given that, you don’t have a whole lot of control even though the spoolie with which you apply it is small and stiff. I found myself getting blobs in my brows that were really awkward. Ultimately, I had to gently squeeze the spoolie with a tissue to remove the excess so I was applying the bare minimum – which means I was wasting product to be able to use it.

NYX Tinted Brow Mascara - Hand SwatchNYX Tinted Brow Mascara – Swatch

As far as hold goes? Meh. It’s better than nothing, but if your brows are unruly and you really want them to stay put you need something else. Without sounding like a shill, I’ve only ever tried Anastasia’s clear one, and I was happy with its strong hold (2018 Update – Anastasia Clear Brow Gel still takes the cake but full disclosure – my brows are not unruly). Happy enough to regularly shell out for it? Nope; I’m sure there are other good ones out there.

2018 Update – Simply put, the spoolie is too large for the intended purpose. This is more of a standard, eyelash-mascara applicator rather than one suited for brows. It is difficult to use for the intended purpose, but not impossible.

The Bottom Line

My verdict? This product would be okay as a finishing touch when paired with a powder or pencil. I wouldn’t use this on its own unless your brows are already nigh-flawless.

It is finicky to work with, and the shade range leaves some to be desired. I wouldn’t buy if you’re looking for a one-and-done product, or unless you’re SURE the shade will work for you; in my case, my brows were too warm with this, it was really awkward and obvious.

The KonMari Method Komono – Makeup – Part 2: Spark Joy

I got around to executing the KonMari method on my makeup. This category did not include any skincare or tools. As I went, I realized that the process isn’t hyper conducive to photography, but I did manage to catch a few photos.

(Almost) Everything (that Isn’t a Palette)

Editing My Collection - before KonMari

My initial pass included everything that wasn’t a palette. I realized after capturing this photo that I had missed a few pieces. They were still subject to the same joy-sparking scrutiny, I just didn’t get them in the picture. I had:

  • 2 BB Creams (both Missha Perfect Cover)
  • 6 Concealers
  • 1 Highlighter
  • 5 Face Primers (one not pictured)
  • 8 Single Shadows (one not pictured)
  • 5 Eye Primers/Bases (including a MAC Paint Pot & a NYX Milk pencil)
  • 15 Eyeliners (duplicates not pictured)
  • 8 Blushes (one not pictured)
  • 2 Bronzers (one is packaged with one of the blushes)
  • 2 Face Powders (both Hourglass ALPs)
  • 14 Lipsticks
  • 4 Lip pencils
  • 6 Mascaras
  • 5 Brow Products (Ulta & the dregs of my Gimme Brow not pictured)

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March 2018 Favorites

March 2018 FavoritesMarch 2018 Favorites
1. Scunci Stay Tight Barettes; long & short, $4.50 / 2. Wet n Wild Walking on Eggshells, $3 /
3. CND Solaroil, $8 / 4. Aveeno Stress Relief Body Wash, $7 / 5. Sensationail Express Gel, My Cherry Amour, $6

Without a purpose in mind, my March 2018 Favorites shaped up to be accessible in terms of where you can purchase (drugstore! Target! Online!) as well as an awesome <$10 each month. I shudder when I see favorites posts and videos where all the products are $25+; for most people, that just isn’t realistic. Details on my favorites after the jump.

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Worth it? Ulta Brow Tint

Ulta Brow TintUlta Brow Tint, $10

When I learned that my favorite brow product, Gimme Brow, had been recalled/discontinued, I was upset. I seem to end up getting attached to products that end up facing discontinuation just a year or two later. I set out to research replacements because like mascara and unlike lipstick, I do my brows daily.


Glossier’s Boy Brow product looks attractive, and I intend to someday try it. That said, that day doesn’t happen to fall in the first quarter of 2018. Instead, I was surprised to find that Ulta Brow Tint, an unassuming brow product in their house line, has incredible reviews… and is only $10 a tube.

Supply Run

I needed to resupply on dry shampoo last month, which is ‘permitted’ by my ‘rules.’ Likewise, resupplying on a brow product is within the rules as long as I’m not getting crazy experimental. Since my previous product is not available for purchase, trying something new is fair. And, better yet, it costs less.

Better-better yet:

  • The whole line, including Ulta Brow Tint was buy one, get one free
  • I had Ulta coupons
  • I had a gift card

…so I didn’t spend out-of-pocket.

Shade Range

Ulta Brow Tint comes in six shades and, as a result, beats the pants off the color options of most other brands offering similar products.

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Roller Eyeliner

When I wear ‘proper’ eyeliner (not shadow-as-eyeliner), I use one of two formats: gel liner (my favorite) or a mechanical twist-up (the only one I’ve had luck with). There’s been a lot done with eyeliner in the past two decades but when I saw these new-fangled roller eyeliner releases, I got EXCITED.

Roller Eyeliner – What Is It?

The three roller eyeliner products on the market appear to use the same idea. A wand that has a small, foam disc on the end that rests in an ink-like liquid liner when the tube is closed. The disc is thin and has a small radius to facilitate easy application.

It isn’t the first time, after all, that I have been excited about the intersection of beauty and technology or beauty and engineering. What’s more amazing is that all three I’ve found consistently receive 4/5 star ratings on their respective sites.

Could it be that it isn’t just a gimmick!?

Roller Eyeliner - NUDESTIX Rock n' Roller


First, I saw NUDESTIX Rock n’ Roller Easy Eyeliner Ink. Samantha Ravndahl mentioned them in some format of hers and I was blown away. Then I saw them in an Instagram ad and…I was blown away again. I was so excited, in fact, that I made a point of showing this brilliant take on an eyeliner applicator with my could-not-be-more-disinterested-in-makeup husband. Even he thought it was neat; it reminded him of something used in metal fabrication.

There are three colors: ever practical black, Bronze Patina, and my favorite – Golden Rosé. I keep catching myself telling myself, “That’s totally wearable enough for work.” Honestly even writing that out gave me a twinge of temptation. And then I remind myself that not only does it run $24… I’m on a No Buy

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