Remarkably, I’ve spent less of my recent personal time on a computer than the past year. My day job has been more demanding recently, so I’ve had less personal time and I’ve actually wanted to give myself a break from the screens. I’m reading paper books more. I’m taking more walks.
At the end of the day, though, I still like buttons and internet in a lot of things – including my skincare.
I’ve been a Clarisonic Mia2 loyal for approaching three years, now – which is crazy, because it seems like just yesterday (really 5 years ago) I just learned about that particular skincare gadget and was incredulous at the cost.
For the last few months, my skin has been having a hissy fit. I’ve used a fresh brush head since, and I clean it regularly. Although I don’t think it is the Clarisonic’s fault, I decided for science and curiosity to try the Foreo Luna Mini. So I took advantage of one of the sought-after 20% off Ulta Platinum Perks and ordered one last week. It’s due to arrive in a day or two.
Going in, I don’t have any preconceived notions or expectations for the device. I am a bit excited about the the hygienic aspect and the fact that you don’t need to replace expensive brush heads every 3-4 months.
If you don’t already, would you consider using a skincare gadget or tool?