Getting a new Skincare Gadget

Remarkably, I’ve spent less of my recent personal time on a computer than the past year. My day job has been more demanding recently, so I’ve had less personal time and I’ve actually wanted to give myself a break from the screens. I’m reading paper books more. I’m taking more walks.

At the end of the day, though, I still like buttons and internet in a lot of things – including my skincare.

I’ve been a Clarisonic Mia2 loyal for approaching three years, now – which is crazy, because it seems like just yesterday (really 5 years ago) I just learned about that particular skincare gadget and was incredulous at the cost.

For the last few months, my skin has been having a hissy fit. I’ve used a fresh brush head since, and I clean it regularly. Although I don’t think it is the Clarisonic’s fault, I decided for science and curiosity to try the Foreo Luna Mini. So I took advantage of one of the sought-after 20% off Ulta Platinum Perks and ordered one last week. It’s due to arrive in a day or two.

Foreo Luna Mini Skincare Gadget

Going in, I don’t have any preconceived notions or expectations for the device. I am a bit excited about the the hygienic aspect and the fact that you don’t need to replace expensive brush heads every 3-4 months.

If you don’t already, would you consider using a skincare gadget or tool?

Remington WDF4840 Smooth and Silky Foil Shaver

Hair removal is neither a glamorous topic nor a task many of us relish – even being a fan of the results, the process (and, occasionally, side-effects) can be tedious. Although I’m using the Silk’n Flash and Go Freedom to minimize growth elsewhere, I have yet to start using it on my legs. I haven’t forsaken conventional razors for this purpose, but using them too often wreaks utter havoc on my skin. Needing something that didn’t make my skin hate me, I picked up the Remington WDF4840 Smooth and Silky Foil Shaver a little over a year ago to replace a basic Panasonic model that much to be desired.

Remington WDF4840 Smooth and Silky Foil Shaver
Remington WDF4840 Smooth and Silky Foil Shaver

Two years ago, I didn’t know much about these. I didn’t know any ladies who used them! So here’s the run down: Electric foil shavers work by drawing hairs into small holes in the foil as you guide it over the surface from which hair is to be removed. Those hairs, momentarily secured by the foil, are then sliced by a blade that shimmies back and forth. To achieve a close shave with such a device each area usually requires multiple passes; with the Remington WDF4840, I find 2-4 passes sufficient to shave my legs, with the final pass being the firmest pressure I apply.

If you’re new to devices like this, there may be a bit of a learning curve for you. In addition to the foil, the Remington WDF4840 features (in the housing as the foil) a metal trimmer to trim hairs that are too long to be caught in the foil; you should use the trimmer before the foil if it’s been more than a few days since your previous shave. In all, it’s easy enough to use.

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Foreo Moda

Following up Friday’s first look at the Issa is another Foreo post! The makers of the Issa toothbrush and Luna face contraption) emailed me two months ago(ish) about their newest device concept – the Moda. To jam it into a single sentence? The Foreo Moda is 3D printing meets airbrush makeup application in a single, consumer-use device.

Foreo Moda

That’s right. I squealed with delight when I read it because it is really freaking cool. If you’ve been around a while, you know I love the intersection at which beauty and technology meet. ColorIQ is such an amazing idea (even if it does have room for improvement), and it is so cool to see the worlds intermixing.

The Foreo Moda can apply a full face in three stages (primer, foundation, color) in approximately thirty seconds. THIRTY. Mind – blown.

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First Look: Foreo Issa Mini

So, this happened…

Foreo Issa Mini - Packaging

We bought it.

I went for it during Sephora Love Note (their Spring sale) promotion, and that’s what earned me VIB (for the first time ever!).

Given that the regular Foreo Issa is usually $199, we opted for the Issa Mini (regularly $119) to save $70+ after the discount. The Issa Mini is set apart by the Issa in a few ways. It has:

  • A shorter handle
  • A smaller head (though they are interchangeable!)
  • Different Colors
  • Is geared towards kids

Speaking of kids, here’s how they make it fun: the brush rewards the user with a happy face when they have brushed adequately, and expressing disappointment with a sad face if too much time since brushing has elapsed. Despite having a smaller brush head, it isn’t too small for an adult to effectively use.

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Silkn Flash and Go Freedom Update 1

Silkn Flash and Go Freedom Update 1Silkn Flash and Go Freedom Update 1

Silkn Flash and Go Freedom Update 1: I completed my third treatment last week. While it is still to early to say, “Yes, it is completely working as intended,” I have noticed a difference in the growth of hair. It is gradually lessening. It’s still there, but we aren’t done yet – so far, I’m satisfied with the progression of things.

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Foreo Issa Toothbrush

The Foreo Issa is a unique silicone electric toothbrush from the company that makes the Luna, a skin cleansing device that is said to rival the Clarisonic.

My first encounter with this brush was in a Sephora marketing e-mail a few weeks ago where I was kind of taken aback. It isn’t my aim to be crass here, but this device definitely resembles something else and I’m not the only one who thinks so (a review on Sephora’s site proves this). I wrote it off as amusing, but not really worth looking back into. A toothbrush does not need to be chic and aesthetically pleasing (albeit adult-entertainment-looking), as far as I’m concerned…nor does it need a $200 price tag.

Foreo Issa ToothbrushForeo Issa Silicone Pulsating Toothbrush, $200

At some point later, I visited the product’s page again to read the reviews (when I found the aforementioned review); I was planning to write an exceptionally snarky post about it. What I found aside from that was that the Foreo Issa may not be a gimmick after all.

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