DIY CreaClip Haircuts Save Me >$200/year

DIY haircutting is super easy and quick with the CreaClip

In my area, and in much of the US, you’re not getting out of a typical women’s salon haircut for less than $54. Using the CreaClip to cut my own hair saves me over $210/year assuming a quarterly cut (my situation). Now, I trim more often since it is so quick!

I never saw myself as an As Seen on TV buyer, but between the Turbie Twist and this, here we are. The CreaClip was pitched on Shark Tank (never seen it).

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On Greys

Do you ever think about how much beauty is simply fighting the inevitable? I’d hardly describe myself as a “go with the flow” sort of person, but at the same time, how exhausting (and expensive) is it to try to swim against the tide in perpetuity? There’s a vast ocean of difference between electing not to participate in a common ritual and giving up on how you present yourself.

I started getting pesky greys before I hit 30. Naturally, they chose to present front and center around my part. So, like any mature, sane, well-adjusted woman – I plucked them on sight. Of course, this means you don’t have a solid idea of how much you have.

Last autumn, I stopped as an experiment.

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Balayage Blues – Wella Color Charm Painting Discontinued

I’ve had balayage highlights since 2016. When CoVid entered the world, I started DIYing my balayage using a Wella Color Charm Painting clay-based lightener to reduce my exposure to risky environments. Pandemic aside, I found that I enjoyed not being in a salon surrounded by people making bizarre choices while in the shared space.

For example, the last time I was in the chair, a fellow customer seated next to me felt it acceptable and appropriate to loudly Facetime her adult son. It was disruptive, distracting, and disappointing. Many people look forward to and enjoy salon visits for relaxing pampering, and this rude customer ruined that for at least five people.

Anyway, around New Year’s, I tried refreshing my balayage. I succeeded. My Wella Color Charm Painting lightener was evidently on the older (and therefore not as effective) side. I didn’t quite get the lift I expected or hoped for.

That may be a good thing, though. When shopping to refresh my Wella Color Charm Painting stash, I found that Wella discontinued it because, of course, they did.

So that leaves me at a crossroads (again) regarding my balayage:

  • try other lighteners to find one I like
  • resume salon visits
  • stop

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I Dew Care Tap Secret Dry Shampoo

I Dew Care Tap Secret Non-Aerosol Dry Shampoo

I’ve been harping about aerosol dry shampoos being a problem for a while now. I’ve switched to tapioca starch. But maybe you aren’t as much of a DIY-sort or just don’t want to mess with all of that, and I hear you.

Sometimes, you just aren’t up for a project (though it is low effort, I swear). Sometimes, we just need something that’s ready-to-use without the potential for a mess.

I Dew Care has a great little non-foam, non-aerosol dry shampoo for you – Tap Secret ($10-16). It’s most cost-effective to buy 3 (to get it to $10 ea), so if you have friends or family members who might appreciate it as a holiday gift or want to try it, I recommend that route!

I loved the idea of it so much that I bought I Dew Care Tap Secret to try despite having a solution that works for me. And I haven’t been just buying things to try them!

As an added bonus – the container is reusable! I figured even if the contents aren’t for me, I’d get a super-convenient tapioca starch dispenser.

How to Use I Dew Care Tap Secret Dry Shampoo

To use it, you uncap it and tap the foam puff along your hairline. I tend to do my part, make another part/section, and tap again. Then, just like you’d use any other powdery dry shampoo (even aerosol), massage it in and shake it out, done.

I haven’t traveled in a long time, now, but I really love the idea of this dispenser for travel. No tiny aerosol to jam in your quart bag. No benzene.

Happily, there was no discernable fragrance which is a big win for me. Likewise, it did a nice job of absorbing oil without leaving a white cast or greyishness once it was massaged in. It definitely got me through another day without shampooing.

What I Didn’t Like (but You May)

One thing that was a drawback for me personally is that this dry shampoo has clay as an ingredient. You may enjoy depending on your preferences! It’s great as an oil absorbing agent, and it means a little goes a long way. For me, though, using enough to get the job done gave my hair some hair some, “teeth,” or grip. This is great for volume, but can come at the cost of the ability to run your fingers through it.

The downside of this quality, though, is that it feels awful to run your fingers through. It isn’t unique; if you’re used to using texturizing powders like this one from Big Sexy Hair (oh, cool – they now have a lighter option, Lite, that I haven’t tried) or this one from Kristen Ess, it’s a similar feeling.

I think those products have their place (indeed; I own the Kristen Ess one and have used the original Big Sexy Hair one), but by themselves, they aren’t dry shampoos. That quality isn’t what I’m looking for in a regular dry shampoo product. I still want my hair to mostly feel like hair.

On the upside, it washes out easily so no problems there. I’ll use it, but I’d definitely use it when I planned to shampoo the next day. It may also be one of those products that is best used before your hair seems oily – so I will need to report back on that.

What I’m Unsure Of Regarding Tap Secret.

Since the applicator sponge is integrated with the packaging, I don’t know if you can take it off to clean it. Given the nature of the product, I’d think you’d want to eventually if you’re reusing the container. Despite my critique of the contents, I’m not ready to swap them for tapioca starch yet (maybe I’ll find a use for those properties), so I haven’t disassembled it to find out.

The Bottom Line

Finally, I would recommend I Dew Care Tap Secret dry shampoo despite not being completely satisfied with the texture aspect. Having a thorough understanding of the texture will help you use it effectively and work around what I consider its only critical point.

Reformulated: Kirkland Signature Shampoo and Conditioner

Costco reformulated Kirkland Signature Shampoo and Conditioner

We had a good run, Costco Kirkland Signature Shampoo and Conditioner. I’ve been using this duo since the TRESemme-induced hair loss I shared in January 2021, but alas – I’ve run afoul of a discontinuation-style issue.

This Again?

It isn’t a true discontinuation. Costco reformulated within the last year or so. I only just started using the new formula at the end of June because I was still working through my liter bottles of the previous formula.

I didn’t realize it was a reformulation (as opposed to just a packaging refresh) until three weeks ago. My hair started becoming a nightmare to wrangle again, symptomatic of overexposure to protein (everyone is different, you may never experience this!), but it didn’t click immediately.

Was it stress? No, that’s just a constant at this point. Eventually, I scrutinized the ingredients list on the new bottles – yep, go figure. The old formula had protein, but it was one of the last few ingredients – so there was less of a concentration of it. It doesn’t seem like my hair can’t deal with any, just either 1) high concentrations and/or 2) specific varieties. Alas, my hair is not tolerating the Costco Kirkland Signature Shampoo and Conditioner’s new formula well.

If it is still working well for you, GOOD! I still have faith in the product. This time, truly, I am the problem.

What Now?

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Starch as Non-Aerosol Dry Shampoo

I switched away from conventional, aerosol dry shampoo well-before the news broke that the dry shampoo cans have been spewing poison at an uncomfortable rate. Instead, I use tapioca starch as non-aerosol dry shampoo to minimize oil between washes.

Non-aerosol dry shampoos have been available for a while. However, many of them come in the form of foam that claims to dry quickly. I haven’t tried them personally as they seem impractical; even if they dry fast, damp-looking roots can still be a problem. If I have time for damp hair, I would prefer to wash and dry it quickly.

Instead, on Jean’s advice, I use tapioca starch decanted into a few containers that I apply with a brush or puff. I realize this might sound like lunacy, so here’s more detail on HOW I go about using it:

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