Recent Repurchases

This is a legacy post that has been given a facelift and some 2018 updates! Enjoy. When it comes to finding products that really work for you, you tend to sift through a lot of BS: overpromising, underdelivering products; overhyped (by the community) products; or things that just, through by no fault of anyone, don’t … Read more

The Problem with Photoshop

This is a legacy post that has been given a facelift for clarity and readability. Opinions are the same. Enjoy! There’s a lot of chatter in the beauty realm. Some positive, uplifting, and fantastic. Some catty, hateful, and rude. Others are debate-worthy, but fall on neither side of the spectrum. One hot debate topic in this … Read more

Refinery29 on Interview Makeup

This is a legacy post commenting on Refinery29’s Interview Makeup article. My content has been given a facelift; it has been edited for clarity and ease-of-reading, but is ultimately the same. I winced as I re-read it and the article that inspired it. WTF. The other day I was reading various beauty-related articles when I … Read more

How I Save on Beauty Products

I’m acknowledging that I’m fortunate to be in a place where I can spend money on what many would deem a completely frivolous hobby. Actually Use the Damn Samples Raise your hand if you’ve ever had a drawer or bin full of sample products that went neglected for ages! So many retailers do free samples with … Read more

Worth it? Tarte Shape Tape Concealer

Tarte Shape Tape, $25 Holy heavily-promoted-on-YouTube, Batman! I eventually bought Shape Tape to weigh in on it to see if it was ridiculous YouTube sponsored hype or a legitimately good product. This cruelty-free, apparently vegan product is evidently sold once every twenty-six seconds according to Tarte’s site. Availability When Tarte Shape Tape came out, it was … Read more

Recent Repurchases – Fall/Winter 2016

Us beauty bloggers talk a LOT about new things we’ve tried, or NEW(ish in my case!) favorites, but I think we collectively do a poor job of talking about what we loved enough to repurchase. I might really enjoy a product for a few months, but by the time I get to the end of … Read more