Several years ago, I switched from Gillette razor products to Billie Razors. But it’s time to revisit!
Do I Still Use Billie Razors?
I do! Now that I’ve concluded my laser treatment, though, I go through blades extremely slowly. When I say extremely slowly, I mean I haven’t had blades shipped to me since April 2021 I was already going through them slowly back then and had several on hand. That April 2021 shipment gave me four more and I’ve just been working off that stockpile.
My lower legs didn’t have the same level of results as my underarms, for example, because not all of the hair is dark (some is blonde), so I do still need to shave once a week or so to deal with the weird lighter stuff.
I can’t say you’ll have the same results unless you have low shaving needs, but what I CAN say is that as long as you take care of your blades by:
- rinsing thoroughly
- drying between uses, and
- not leaving it in the shower where they will constantly be wet
they will treat you well and last longer than a Venus ever has or will.
Has Anything Changed About Billie Razors?
Well, as I mentioned above, I haven’t bought blades since 2020. So they may have changed something about build quality since then and I wouldn’t know that, but here’s what I do know:
As of mid-2021, quality DID change. The lubricating goo that surrounds the blade on the head wore away VERY fast. And that sucks a bit, because it does impact the shaving experience. For me, the blades continued to last – so as long as you’re prepared to use a shave prep (I use Cremo Coconut Mango, these days, but typically buy at Costco), it’s fine.
But I do know that they’re now available at Wal-Mart! So if you prefer to do the one-stop-shop thing or not have a subscription to manage, you can get them here. They’re also carried in a lot of stores – all my local locations carry them, which means I can pop in and buy blades if I need to, or I can get them via the grocery delivery service.
Would I Still Recommend Them?
Despite supply chain shenanigans and increased distribution by going from direct-to-consumer (D2C) to normal distribution in mass market stores, the price has stayed level.
I haven’t heard major controversy that they’ve totally tanked quality. Based on what I know, I’d still recommend.
That said, I’m starting to explore more sustainable options like Leaf to see if I want to do that when I run out of my stash of Billie heads. I don’t know if I’ll do it because, “real,” razor blades = scary.