Worth it? Clarisonic Smart Profile

Clarisonic Smart Profile

Several years ago, I purchased my first Clarisonic (a Mia 2). After an entire year of use, I wrote a comprehensive review. Following that, I created a bunch of other Clarisonicrelated content. As time went on, my Mia 2 suffered normal wear and tear. I noticed that it’s battery was waning. It still charges, it still operates, but the longevity of a charge isn’t as robust as it once was. I suspected that it might be on its last legs soon, and I had resigned myself to replacing it. The Clarisonic Smart Profile Uplift had just come out and I scoffed at its ridiculous $350 pricetag. I had decided a long time ago that I’d go with a Mia next; the dual-speed feature of the Mia 2 wasn’t worth the extra money to me (I never use the slower speed).

Then, I was in Costco one day late last Autumn and they had a Clarisonic Smart Profile clearanced for $150 (insane!). The Smart Profile replaces the Aria line of years’ past and is compatible with the body brush heads. Considering the regular price of the Mia has increased to $129 in the last year or two, I was sold on the Clarisonic Smart Profile.

I’ve had it for about three months now and I’m ready to open up on its features, flaws, and other fun stuff.

Clarisonic Smart Profile Features

To be clear, this is not the Clarisonic Smart Profile Uplift. The original Clarisonic Smart Profile seems to have been discontinued, but the Clarisonic Smart Profile Uplift retails for the same price point and includes some different skin tools.

Multiple Modes & Notifications

The Smart Profile features four facial speeds, a body mode, and a turbo option for an extra, quick burst of cleansing power. If you’re using the Smart Profile brush heads, the device can tell identify them (vs all the classic heads) and supposedly adjusts the cleansing mode(s) accordingly.

In my experience, though, there isn’t that much difference between the modes. Likewise, I am struggling to discern any, “smart,” auto-adjustment beyond simply knowing the difference between old vs. SMART brush heads. The marketing implies that the device will adjust during use. This is not the case.

As far as notifications go, the battery life indicator is a nice addition. Likewise, the device features a brush change notifier – but I believe this only works with the SMART heads.

Body Brush

Like the Aria devices of the past, this devices supports the larger body brush. This generation calls it the Smart Turbo Body Massage Head. I’m not convinced that there’s much of anything, “smart,” about it other than the fact that the device can tell, upon being powered on, if it has the Smart Turbo Body Massage Head attached. It then auto-applies the appropriate power/speed settings.

USB Charger

The Smart Profile line has adopted a USB-based charger which increases flexibility when it comes to charging. I don’t have to make an AC outlet available; I just need a USB port.

Pedi Options

My device did not come with the Pedi tools, but the device supports them. For some people, I definitely believe this is a value-add – but I will be skipping them.


Smart Brush Head

The Smart Profile Dynamic Brush Head is nice enough – it gives a thorough clean without upsetting my skin but I prefer the Radiance heads. The Smart Profile Dynamic Brush Head clocks in at $32 and, naturally, is discontinued.

In its place, Clarisonic sells a Smart Revitalizing Cleansing Brush head for the same price. The brush has shoddy reviews, however; inconsistent bristle lengths left some to be desired.

Battery Life

The key flaw I perceive about the Clarisonic Smart Profile is the battery life when you use the Smart Turbo Body Brush. Because the cleansing cycle is much longer, stronger, and, the head requires more power to move, using the body brush accelerates battery drain. It isn’t enough of a detractor for me to say, “Don’t get it!” solely on the basis of this, but if you’re coming from another Clarisonic device that does not support the body head, you should expect to need to charge more often.


Although the Clarisonic Smart Profile looks sleek and chic, I actually find it a little awkward to hold. I find the handle is too long for my small hands. Furthermore, it is contoured and has buttons placed in a strange spot. It’s entirely usable just… not how I would design it. ;) Compared to a Mia2 or a Mia, for example, I find it more difficult to hold.

The Bottom Line

Is the Clarisonic Smart Profile a must-have? The answer is a resounding no. Although the USB charger and four speed options are neat, the only value-add for me is the body brush head. It is absolutely not worth the retail price. The body brush made the price I paid acceptable, but all in all I do not recommend.

On the Smart Profile Uplift – as far as I can tell this is nearly the same device. The key difference seems to be the inclusion of the massaging head (what makes it the ‘uplift’) and possibly a massaging mode to accompany that head. I don’t yet have needs that can be targeted with those things, but even still – I struggle with the $350 price tag.

If you’re in the market, my recommendation regarding Clarisonic devices remains the same: get a Clarisonic Mia (the original).