This whole post was inspired by the events that played out over the course of this text message conversation posted on Distractify. Don’t send people on errands to buy things they don’t know about – or, in short… buy your own makeup.
In the share, a woman has tasked her significant other to go to the store and collect for her a lipstick with only vague descriptors (not a brand, line, or color name), and a false lash kit. Unfortunately, the poster was well out of his element.
- If you must send someone to buy things (especially makeup!) – BE SPECIFIC.
The least you could do is send them with a photo or figure out and tell them exactly what you want.
2. If you screw up and task someone with such a thing, then realize they are not up to the task (due to lack of information or familiarity), do not have them continue. Sure, the willingness to try is cute, but…don’t. Go buy your own makeup.
“Light, bright,” might mean something to us when it comes to lipcolor, but it doesn’t mean much to a lot of people.
3. If you realize that this individual cannot tell the difference between a bottle of nail polish and a tube of lipstick…ABORT MISSION IMMEDIATELY.
See number 2.
4. Don’t encourage people to open non-testers to swatch them for you. (And don’t do it yourself!) You are precisely the reason why we can’t have nice things when it comes to drugstore.
You suck, I hope you’re pleased with yourself.
The article was meant to be humorous. To a point, it was – but I can’t shake the feeling that this stuff happens more often than ever occurred to me before I read that silly piece. For the love of cats, go buy your own makeup and don’t send someone else who is not qualified to do it for you.
(Also, I’m not suggesting that significant others are inherently not qualified – but unless yours is pretty interested in your facepaint process… just don’t.)